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Sunday, March 21, 2004

15th - 21th......the SHOCking Week~!

15th mOnDay

wat a boring day it is manz...
after last wk of presenting mine works to supervisor.
hmm...recieve the news of when to present to those dumb assertor
it's next week WEDNESDAY 24th

should i or should i not...present mine 100% of workz...

if i do, i bet there're tonz of critizism from them~!
this not gd...that not gd...this should have been better...that should have been better...
blah blah blah...
millionz n millionz of comments~!

& if i don't....
i'll given them the impression of laziness (but although i did 100% of it).

tough choices....but what to do...
lifez r tough to make decision with.....

16th Tuesday

hmm...admit it guyz....
i bet you all fright out of ur wit when u saw your gf's parents...
i's never knew how they think of ya...
1st impression meant alotz...
1st impression when ya go for job interview....
1st impression in a first dates
1st impression in whatever......

but i do think, being's the best impression you give to anyone~!

17th WednesDay

manz.....WENT to tekong..
one word to describe mine life in the next few mths or phrase of mine life

seeing so many bald guyz..ain't monks...
i can't imagine how life is gonna be when i get in there......
hmm........wait till i update of this issues.....

18th Thursday

manz.....saw News......
3 indonesian guys......after robbing some merchants in malaysia
used their speed boat n fled to TEKONG
& i meant TEKONG...

wahliew......what this 3 moronz fled to tekong for wat...
don't they noe what that place is For ??
i had a great laugh over this issues....
IT's de JOKEs of the WK manz...

outcome without doubt.....u guyz will noe it......

19th Friday

well......nothing much over this dayz...
juz that i'm late for sch ...
as usual.....
can't wake up.....
reason ???
ahha....parents went oversea..
so no one woke me up....
aha.....*lame excuses....

i cooked porrigde...
okie....i's nothing great....
but ......
i didn't even cooked for mine familyb4....
i cooked for mine dear....
eh...comment on the porridge itself.....~!
GD...she said...
ahha....but dunno how truth that was....
but i trust her....
don't worry....i loved cooking anyway
juz hate to cleanup.....hhaha

21th Sunday

well......sunday is a day to slack...
blah blah lah.........
no comments.....
i admit......i slacked......

BeAv|s KaObEi at 10:54:00 PM

Sunday, March 14, 2004

AnGeR MaNaGeMeNt~!~

it's been a wk of slacking n laze to write the blog~!'s HAnd-on time.....
to update~!~

summary of this wk issues

mon to fri,
rushing mine projects juz to impress mine supervisor on saturday.
was hoping to hear some gd comments...
but in mine mind i noe...i've been getting something off-track.
it's not so much of a MAJOR problems but sort of standard requirement~!

sat (the outcome)
mine supervisor met up with me....
as expected....the onli "displeased" is the standard requiremnt that i didn't achieve...
but overall....the comment was greatz...
but fear not,
with mine kind,helpful,thoughful partner.....i'm sure we can achieve what is require~!

anger management

okie, i admit~!
i have poor anger management...
guess i pissed off too easily.
hmm....sometime i dunno...
words of anger juz "flew" out from mine flithy mouth without notices
i have broken the hearts of mine LOVED one..
i regret for doing that~!~

to those i broken/pissed u off...
n i meant that...

but not to worry,
i noe someone who will change me~!~!
mine future psychologist n present gf~!
or should i said i'm a guinea pig to her ???

BeAv|s KaObEi at 9:57:00 PM

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Past, Present, Future ^!

ain't toking abt what past tense, present tense nor future tense in term of english languages!!
i'm talking abt LIFE...

ever thought of what u did in your past, affect deeply in your presents....
n what you're doing now...might change your future...

ever asking yourself .....WHAT IF...

"WHAT IF i did this, i would get that....."
"WHAT IF i did in the past, now i would suffer...."
"WHAT IF i have manage to achieve that earlier, the result now will be ......."
"WHAT IF i blah blah blah......."

what a powerful words that explain regrets,remoseful....expression..

wonder y i sound so pessimistic?
well...guess it's because i've been to the career fair '04 !
after seeing so much jobs seekers,education,national service enlistment....blah blah blah...
i was wondering what i gonna do for mine future...
to sign on for national service, to seek further studies oversea or should i jail myself in working life .?

okie..i admit...
it's devil-damn early to think so much for the future.....
but ain't it better to be worried now rather den i deeply regret for what stupid,idiotic,foolish mistakes that i did...

com'on..admit it..guyz...
do u really think GOD PATH your WAY through ??
Dun blame him for who u r...what u r...!!!
GOD dun path our way...
all he did was to guide us into "proper" channel of our lifez...

guess we,human, need to relaz, sit on a comfy sofa chair, have a cup of chill cold ice-mocha & decide properly on our future...
or should i said..MY FUTURE =p

or maybe i should learn from that idiot guy in american idol..

"i alreadi given mine best.....blah blah blah.....& i have no regrets at all !!! "

yah...n that's de upcoming motivation of mine life....


BeAv|s KaObEi at 12:42:00 AM

Thursday, March 04, 2004

life of a slacker~!

ain't de title sound famliar to ya ?
yup~ indeed,...i have this blog named as "life of a slacker".
thinking of how slacking i m ...blah blah blah...

but today i really muz "kowtow" to de GURU of ALL SLACKER~!
no doubt u guyz noe who he is....
by de count of three...let's say his name~!

com'on...don't you guyz agree that this "slackman" over here have been asking SOME idiotic,unbearable,brainless question?'s not juz SOME.......IT's ALL of his questionz manz~!
guess he's a question himself...
com'on MR LEong....BUCK UP....we can help ya...but DO ask sensible question!!!!
(i'm not against ya...don't be offenced~!)

well,i noe it's shit/wrong of me to say anything abt anyone anywhere..
i guess that's how ya handle work loadz.....

sometime i do admire you...
on how RELAX u handle things....which i can't...(sad)

Dead on Arrival
so guyz, how ya think of this nick ??
got it from dunno wat death webby manz...

this nick is nice...
DEAD on Arrival...conclude from mine first n last name..
do sound like mine life...
dead upon whatever arrival......
the arrival of my PSLE result , O'level result, Poly Result, project dateline, FYP...blah blah blah...

mention abt FYP earlier on,
okie..i admit,
i did little progress....n i DO real LITTLE progress
changes that's un-noticeable,uncreative,un-productive.....
could it have been i gonna take over the position of "GURU of all slackers" ???
NO WAY manz....(*i told myself that~!)
guess someone should kick mine "full-moon" (__x__) hard juz to wake me up ~!

damnz...did i said i gonna buck up ? n why de hack i'm here writing this shit ??
slacker's skill no.1
bluff your way through....
slacker's skill no.2
lie your way, yourself, everyone

damnz...Mr GURU...what other skill huhz ?? =p

BeAv|s KaObEi at 9:46:00 PM

ThE gOoD, tHe BaD, tHe UnExPeCtEd~!
Morning everyone & god,
yesterday was too tired to write this blog,
so decide to write it now.

the good

wow..manz i gonna say...
ain't it a wonderful feeling ?don't you agree Guyz ?
for those whom neber been KISSED....manz....u have juz left out something that could "spark" ur life~!
kiss anyone...ur frenz,ur mum,ur dad,ur sibling,ur grandparents......& EVERYONE u noe~!

the bad

what's bad?
i've not been producing works lately.....
damnz.....something's not rite~!
guess i DO need to buck up~!

the unexpected

ain't it funni ?
when u least expected someone u will meet....somewhere out of nowhere...
damnz...& it happened to meet him/her.
how small the world is ?

BeAv|s KaObEi at 8:38:00 AM

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Virgin Post

it's weird setting this blog stuff of no farking reasons.
bet FYP (Final Yr Projects) 've been boring me to death~!
of all readers out there....."HEY,dun waste ur farking time reading it !"
this blog is juz a method for me to destress over this next 12wkz~!

talking abt Project,
I've been SLACKIN
die..better buck mine (_x_) up...b4 i gonna be screw up mine Ass with the mouse.

DAMNZ Mr/MRS HAWKER out there,
hell...ya light up de flame of anger in me...
imagine order a WANTON MEE that took 30mins of mine hunger timez.
wan to caNCEl de DEVIL-DAMN order....also kanna show "black-face" by them.
damnz....juz how u all wanna me to do ? wait hrs b4 de un-fruitful $2 wanton mee serve to me is it ?

*pain in de Ass

BeAv|s KaObEi at 10:10:00 PM

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!~= OtHeRs =~!