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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Cold - Blood

So cold,
all i taste is ice cover over goodness sweetness.

Just where are you,
when i need that warmth so much ?

BeAv|s KaObEi at 1:03:00 PM

Saturday, September 16, 2006

This day marks....

..... another extra-ordinary day.


BeAv|s KaObEi at 1:52:00 AM

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Love like you have never been hurt before

They mention " Love is magic "

But deep inside our heart,
We know magic are just illusion.

What illusion does, makes us believe.
Believing in what we see is the truth.

As the saying " Seeing is believing ",
so what's the truth now ?

So, what's LOVE anyway?

I can't find any words to define it or understand it in any forms.
I can't find it in dictionary or in anyone.

It's something beyond that.
Way beyond.

I .....

BeAv|s KaObEi at 1:12:00 AM

Friday, September 08, 2006

To kill time....

"Someone" mentioned that my grammer screw big time.
In fact, i agree too.

Come to think about it again.
Realise my grammer and love-life have an "one-word similarity" :



"Kim Sam Soon" & "Shallow Hal" have something in common.
Telling how much inner beauty and character count.

Surface beauty is just secondary.

Of course.

Shallow people like me still prefer the best of both world.
That is why i'm still in single-hood status.

The devil in me overwhelm my angel.
Now this is what i called "Karma".

BeAv|s KaObEi at 12:44:00 AM

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


i feel it..




It went past,
and now it's gone.

As always.

BeAv|s KaObEi at 12:01:00 AM

|| FrIeNdStEr ||

ICQ : 16554323

!~= OtHeRs =~!