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Saturday, July 14, 2007

In God's embrace

Life is full of surprises and i knew it.
But not the way like how you should.

You're a great friend and colleague,
that one loves to have.

It really hurts seeing you laying in the box,
where memories flashed back of your laughter and times we had.

How cruel and cunning can reality be?
Why must it be happening to you when you are about to have your engagement next week?

It's really unfair.
I just don't get it.

I really can't imagine the pain and suffer you had,
when you fall from the bike, waiting for someone to save you.

You were a great person,
yet you have to suffer the pain, awaiting for death coming into you.

What really happen ?
And why it has to be you in such a way ?

I believe you're on your way meeting great people in HEAVEN
and of course GOD himself.

You may be gone, but trust us, your family, loved one and friends,
Your memories will always be with us .

Take care.
With Loving Memories.

Kenny Tay - 110707

BeAv|s KaObEi at 3:40:00 PM

|| FrIeNdStEr ||

ICQ : 16554323

!~= OtHeRs =~!